Configure your email receiver to, for example, display the email's subject in the headers section and its template-based body of text.
- name: EmailReceiver
- to: [email protected]
subject: 'Summary: {{ .CommonLabels.alertname }} {{ if eq .Status "firing" }}(Firing){{ else }}(Resolved){{ end }}'
html: '{{ template "emailcontent.txt" . }}'
As indicated below, add the section templates to your alertmanager.yaml configuration file.
- /etc/alertmanager/config/custom_mail.tmpl
Mount the custom mail.tmpl file in the alertmanager pod at /etc/alertmanager/config. Please take note that the define clause should exactly match the email recipient's html section:
{{ define ""emailcontent.txt" }} ... <content of the email> ... {{ end}}
Mount this file in the alertmanager pod, at /etc/alertmanager/config. Get the base64 encoded content of the file.
cat custom_mail.tmpl | base64 -w 0
Insert this in the alertmanager-main secret.
oc edit -n openshift-monitoring edit secret alertmanager-main
Add the below section.
apiVersion: v1 data: alertmanager.yaml: Imdsb2JhbCI6CiAgInJlc29sdmVfdGltZW91dCI6ICI1bSIK.... custom_mail.tmpl: <content from former step>
check the file has been mounted in alertmanager pod.
oc -n openshift-monitoring exec alertmanager-main-0 -- ls -l /etc/alertmanager/config total 0 lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nobody 24 Oct 18 14:59 alertmanager.yaml -> lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root nobody 15 Oct 18 14:59 custom_mail.tmpl -> ../data/custom_mail.tmpl