I have a route configuration file that contains the default route for a routing table similar to this, but it does not apply during boot.
route6-bond0 default via 2001::ff table 1
# ip -6 route show table 1 Error: ipv6: FIB table does not exist. Dump terminated
Using the following syntax, add the route to the NetworkManager connection properties.
nmcli con mod bond0 ipv6.routes "::/0 2001::ff table=1"
You will get the following configuration.
# nmcli con show bond0 | grep ipv6.routes ipv6.routes: { ip = ::/0, nh = 2001::ff table=1 }
Or on disk with the following command.
# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route6-bond0 ::/0 via 2001::ff table 1
When a routing table is not populated, the expected result is that the FIB table does not exist.